Ahhhhh the benefits of remaining unbaptized. Kinda like friends with benefits. When you're not baptized(and loaded), you can play organised sports, dress slutty, hang out with rap stars, and profess your love for Jehovah right after Crip walkin in front of millions of people on national TV. I'd love to be on the Service Committee in Serena's congregation. Can only imagine the calls made to the Branch because of the Williams Sister's activity. Shout out to Jah-Hizzy the only True God.
Theocratic Sedition
JoinedPosts by Theocratic Sedition
Serena Williams
by speargrass55 inwith the french open and all i decided to look up serena and found some photos of she and a number of boyfriends - some of them in poses not proper for witnesses.
just want to ask if she's still a witness.
or is her leash longer because she's a high profile witness?.
WT asserts that the Bible is written only for the 144 000. so why--?
by prologos inthe 144 ooo are called the "sealed" in rev.7.-- wt morphed that into "anointed".. in rev.14:4 the 144 k are referred to as "--firstfruits--".. .
in his letter to hebrew christians paul mentions at 12:23 the "congregation ("church" niv) of the firstborn".
the 144 000.. --------- so why did he write to them: "you have approached the congregation--" ???
Theocratic Sedition
What I get a kick out of is, if the Christian Greek scriptures are primarily for the annointed, why expect the Other Sheep to live up to the same bar as the Annointed? Why do the Other Sheep do more than the annointed? Really when you think about it, the annointed aren't worth a fuck when it comes to this organization's advancement. This organization has advanced more because of the Other Sheep than the Annointed. The Annointed aka We Haven't Done Jack Shit But We're Gonna Be Runnin Shit In The Next 1000 Years So You Better Respect Our Authority.
Who/what is more responsible for you becoming a JW?
by minimus inis it family, friends, idealism???
Theocratic Sedition
Birth, 3rd generation. That was the prelude, peer pressure was the trigger.
Theocratic Sedition
I need to express myself. I was in the pool when a poster here on JWN, his sister was baptized. I didn't baptize her but I was in the pool. When she stepped in the pool it wasn't my turn. I ended up dipping the person either after or prior to her, but I cant remember. I post this because, its a small world, and also for you lurkers to know that just because he's an elder doesn't mean he's not a worthless sack of shit. That said , the qualifications for a baptizer are the same as whomever does the Bible Highlights or even the announcements. We're talking flawed men people, seriously flawed men.
Again I need to repeat to you, an apostate baptized a servant of Jehovah , he baptized a sincere individual that wanted to serve God. May Jehovah have mercy upon me. I love all of you gnight.Gnight, I'm done with this forum. Tec, I wish I could see things as you do and be satisfied.
Would you pay $600 to see The Stones?
by littlerockguy ini can't believe the prices of concert tickets these days.
the rolling stones is starting their tour this year in los angeles tonight and some of the floor tickets are as high as $600!!!
they were in little rock back around 2005 or 2006 and the most expensive ticket back then for their show was $300.
Theocratic Sedition
$600? please. Outlaw got the right idea. For $600, I'd need one of their groupies for the night too, and even then considering, that wouldn't be worth it.
I am what I am
by joe134cd ini was just thinking today.
i heard the term been frazed as a "neutral witness".
i think that's what best describes me.
Theocratic Sedition
This thread is a breath of fresh air. I hate the hardcore JW hate threads. I understand the vitriol and its good to get things of your chest, but its even better to read the balanced views expressed on this thread.
Elder lost position for a poor Elvis impersonation singalong!!
by Witness 007 inafew years ago an elder at a witness gathering decided to dress sort of like elvis...i mean he had a white suit and big belt with sunglasses...called his wife pracilla etc.
big deal...he sang love me tender..etc.
all the witnesses clapped and cheered.
Theocratic Sedition
They were probably looking to axe him and likely had a litany of personal reasons to do so. I strongly emphasize, personal, btw. The Elvis thing was the excuse. When one elder makes enemies with a couple of passive aggressive elders on the same body and the remaining elders are go with the flow types, its a wrap for that elder on his own. In some cases being an elder is like Goodfellas. Ever see the scene when Jimmy is at the bar smoking a cigarette and gives Morie the look? That's what happened when a couple elders became aware of one of their own doing Elvis impersonations. He had to go.
What's The Worst TV Program ?
by minimus in2 broke girls is the worst show on tv.
the acting is terrible.. what show do you avoid??.
Michael Jackson's kids decide no more going door-to-door
by Gopher inthis article made my day.
it looks like paris jackson and her brother prince michael have told katherine they simply aren't interested in peddling jw stuff from door-to-door any more.
i'm glad they are becoming their own people and emerging from their grandmother's control.. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/05/paris-jackson-prince-michael-jackson-jehovas-witness/.
Did the Watchtower's Lawyer Lie In This Business Article On Insurance?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inhttp://www.businessinsurance.com/article/20040104/issue01/100013940# .
insurance companies must weigh the risk of hiring a loose lip jw, the watchtower had the nerve to have their legal counsel reply to this author with this bogus statement about the problem dr. bullock had with is loose lip book-keeper who ran to the elders when she read the patients file after the sister was raped and came down with a std.
the sister who ran to the elders had no desire to approach the sister who was raped, she assumed the sister had sex with seven men and decided her "feet were quick to rush to do bad".
Theocratic Sedition
Here's the part I like......
"Adam G. Linett, associate general counsel with the Jehovah's Witnesses, said employers shouldn't fear HIPAA penalties for unauthorized disclosures because sanctions in the act are aimed at employees."
I like whats not mentioned in this statement. If a JW does disclose confidential information that violates HIPPA and loses their employment in addition to being sued, dont expect the WT to help you out. Don't expect the congregation to help you out either. The elder body will at the most try to encourage you and reassure you that you did the right thing by divulging someone's private medical history in order to keep the congregation clean. But now that you cant kind find a job because you were fired from your previous job for one of the most unethical acts that can be done in healthcare, the elders are gonna tell you to rely upon Jehovah. Maybe someone will leave a bag of Ramen noodles on your porch . Taste and see that Jehovah is good.